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Install Advproxy di Smoothwall 3.0
Advanced Proxy is an add-on module for the popular Linux based firewall distributions IPCop and SmoothWall, extending their web proxy functionality with a lot of versatile and useful additional features.
Key features of Advanced Proxy
* Seamless GUI integration for advanced web proxy configuration
* Local user authentication including group based user management
* identd (RFC 1413) authentication
* LDAP authentication including Active Directory, eDirectory and OpenLDAP
* Windows authentication including Windows NT/2003 domains and Samba
* RADIUS authentication
* Extended cache management
* Web access control by IP and MAC addresses
* Time based access restrictions
* MIME type filter
* Blocking of unauthorized browsers or client software
* Automatic client configuration support (PAC and WPAD)
Langsung aja
wget .tar.gz
=> `swe3-32-advproxy-2.1.6.tar.gz'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 730,358 (713K) [application/x-tar]
100%[===================================================================>] 730,358 3.39K/s ETA 00:00
21:30:02 (3.95 KB/s) - `swe3-32-advproxy-2.1.6.tar.gz' saved [730358/730358]
tar -xzf swe3-32-advproxy-2.1.6.tar.gz
SmoothWall 3.0 Advanced Proxy add-on installation
Step 1: Stopping services
Stopping Web Proxy service (if running)
Step 2: Creating directories
Step 5: Patching system files
Patching Web Server configuration
Patching language files:
Patching SmoothWall main menu
Patching SmoothWall info pane
Step 6: Installing Squid language files
Installing additional files for error messages
Adding SmoothWall design
Step 7: Starting services
Reloading Web Server configuration
Restarting SmoothWall service daemon
Restarting Web Proxy service (if enabled)
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Mas Bayu, thx untuk info-nya.
Mas Bayu sudah coba install DansGuardian di smoothwall 3.0 express?
Ada reviewnya?
Beberapa kali saya coba install, tapi kayaknya ga bisa nge-filter..
Terima kasih..
maaf pak, saya belum coba dansguardian di smoothwall 3.0
soalnya kebutuhan saya buat bantu rekan2 setup warnet dengan smoothwall udh mencukupi dengan advproxy
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